1. Create Email Account:

  • Configure–>Integration–>Email–>Email Accounts–>Create
Account IDWork pool or class group name
Account NameName that identifies the email account.
Account Provider 
Email providerProvider of email hosting
Send UsingSMTP
mail addressEmail address that is associated with outgoing email.
Display namename to display for this sender
User IDSMTP user ID that sends email from this host
Password Sender email ID password.
Reply toEmail address to which the recipients of outgoing emails can reply.
SMTP hosthost name or IP address of the SMTP mail server for outgoing email (If you don’t have proxy connection use default gmail host)
Port SMTP server port number for outgoing email connections: 25 (unsecured)587 (STARTTLS)465 (SMTPS)
Use SMTPS   To use SSL to send email messages through this server, select the Use SMTPS check box
Receiver Using    Select an email protocol: POP3IMAPMicrosoft Graph  
User ID      Email address to use for incoming email
PasswordRecipient password
Use sender’s ID and password.To populate the User ID and Password fields from the Sender subsection, select Use sender’s ID and password.
HostOP3 or IMAP mail server host name or IP address to use for incoming email.
portPOP3 or IMAP mail server port number for email connections For IMAP servers, ports 143 (unsecured) or 993 (secured with SSL)For POP3 servers, ports 110 (unsecured) or 995 (secured with SSL).  
Use SSL/TLSTo avoid using SSL/TLS for connections to your IMAP/POP3 server, clear the Use SSL/TLS check box.
  • Click Submit
  • Check connection status (should be success)

2. Allow Less Secure Apps:

  • Enable Less Secure Apps in Sender Email ID
  • Gmail–>Manage your Google Account–>Security–>Less Secure apps access–>On

3. Configure Casetype:

  • Add Send Email step
  • +step–>More–>Automations–>Send Email   
  • Add following fields:
  1. To
  2. Cc
  3. Bcc
  4. Subject
  5. Body
  6. Send

4. Configure Section:

  • App explorer–>Casetype–>User Interface–>Section–>Select your section you want to Send Customized mail
  • In Send property, change the property type into Button and enter “Send’ in the text field
  • Add Action set in Action tab (Event–>Click ; Action–>Run Activity)
  • We can use OOTB Activity either “SendSimpleEmail” or “SendEmailNotification”
  • Pass the parameters value either dynamic or hardcoded
From“Sender Mail Id”
Password“Email Account Password”
  • Add another Action–>Finish Assignment
  • Save and Run the Casetype in User Portal
  • To send multiple emails put a comma (,) between mail Id’s

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