Usually, we all neglect the naming conventions for attributes, functions, rule types but it gives a lot of impact on software development. naming conventions help to track the attributes of the project and error solving can be made easier. pega provides certain naming conventions for the smooth flow of project development. within an organization or a development team, standard naming conventions help to ensure a uniform understanding of an application and its components. careful consideration of naming conventions at the outset of a project reduces the risk of duplicated effort and rework. additionally, many of the names employed in development are visible on the user forms and portals, so clear, meaningful labels enhance user experience and improve productivity.

Case Type:

  • Use Noun Convention
  • Avoid using vague, non-specific names
  • Examples: HomeInsurance, PersonalLoan, UpdateProfile 


  • Use Nouns or gerunds Convention
  • Avoid using verbs that describe an action or a status
  • Examples: Submission, Review, Underwriting, Financing


  • Use Nouns or gerunds convention
  • Examples: Financing, Underwriting, Review


  • Use Verb + Noun Convention
  • Name should describe the step’s overall purpose
  • Examples:  Verify Application, Send Correspondence, Approve Claims


  • Use Nouns or Noun phrases Convention
  • A property name may be up to 64 characters long
  • Property names are case-sensitive, use only letters and digits
  • Names of pagelist properties should end with list and pagegroup properties should end with group
  • Pega standard property names are prefixed with px, py, pz
  • Cannot create new properties starting with px, py, pz
  • Do not start property names with an underscore  ( _ ) or dollar sign ($)
  • Examples: PolicyNumber, AccountNumber, CustomerList


  •  Use Nouns Convention
  • Use mixed case with the first letter of each word capitalized
  • Make class names simple and descriptive, reflect the purpose of the work
  • Choose class names that support pattern inheritance as well as directed inheritance
  • Use the same naming conventions for class groups as for classes
  • Avoid Acronyms and Abbreviations
  • Do not include underscores
  • Avoid using class names that reflect status or action, instead of a unit of work
  • Do not name a class starting with Pega-
  • Examples: financing, underwriting, review

Flow Actions

  • Use Verb + Noun convention
  • Examples: CollectDetails, ApproveClaim, ProcessLoans, VerifyUser
  • Add prefix Pre for pre-activity or data transform used in the flow action (eg: PrePlannedCampaign)
  • Add prefix Post for post-activity or data transform used in the flow action (eg: PostActionCampaign)
  • Add prefix Val for validation rules used in the flow action (eg: ValEligibleUsers)
  • Section/Privilege: use the same name as the flow action if it is called from flow action


  • Create a new ruleset with a top-level class that inherits directly from @baseclass
  • Always begin your ruleset name with something that uniquely identifies your company and the business purpose. This convention also prevents potential ruleset collisions
  • Use names that make sense; easy to remember, short and catchy
  • Ruleset names should start with Application Name
  • Names can be a maximum of 32-characters and cannot contain spaces
  • Do not use Pega or Pega- as a prefix for your ruleset names. They are restricted to Pegasystems use and could cause unexpected behavior
  • Avoid the use of obscure acronyms and special characters  such as dashes, underscores, plus signs, or quotes
  •  Examples: MyCoLoan, CitiMortgage

Operator ID

Data Type

  • Use Noun convention
  • Examples: Cost Center, Country, Exchange Rate

Data Transforms

  • Use Verb + (Noun or Noun Phrase) Convention
  • Examples: GenerateUserId, GetAccountDetails


  • Use Verb + (Noun or Noun Phrase) Convention
  • Use mixed case, with the first letter of the name & the first letter of each internal word in uppercase
  • Avoid using generic names like Create & Approve
  • Examples: CreateClassReference, GetFileLocation, AddPageIndex

Router Activities

  • Router activities should always start with To & end in a Noun phrase indicating the route destination
  • Examples: ToOverallSLA, ToDefaultWorkbasket, ToCostCenterManager


  • Use java naming standard (initial lower case, then mixed case)
  • Examples: generateRandomNumbers, calculate amount

Declarative Expression

  • Use logical descriptive naming convention
  • Use nouns to distinguish them from activities


  • Use a name that clearly identifies the purpose of the workbasket followed by the suffix WB
  • Example: AnalystsWB, UnderwritingWB

Work groups

  • Work groups usually identify a group of workers that have similar process responsibilities
  • Use a name that clearly identifies the purpose of the group followed by the suffix Group
  • Example: HelpDeskGroup, BenefitsGroup

HTML Streams

  • Use Noun or Noun Phrase that indicates the main data displayed by the stream
  • If possible, this name should relate to the name of the activity, action, etc., that displays the stream
  • Example: WorkSummary

Access roles

  • Use the format ApplicationName:RoleName
  • Choose a name that is unique system-wide, both in the current system and in other PRPC systems that may later host this application, and that contains one colon character
  • Begin the name with a letter and use only alphanumeric, ampersand, dash characters, and single colon
  • Example: Thorr:Administrator, Purchasing:Buyer


  • Select a name that uses only lowercase characters
  • This avoids confusion between systems like UNIX (which have case-sensitive file names) and Windows systems, which do not have case-sensitive file names
  • Begin the names of files for related functions with a common prefix character so they appear grouped together in listings.


  • Begin the name with a letter and use only alphanumeric, ampersand, and dash characters
  • As a best practice, start the name with a capital letter
  • In compound names such as ReconcileProblemWork, capitalize the first letter of each word


  • Ticket names should describe the condition to be met before processing continues from the ticket
  • Example: AllCoveredResolved, WorkWithdrawn

Service Packages

  • Use the following format:

<application name><service type><optional deployment type><optional unique part>

  • Example:

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